Thank God for 2014

Hoe Chin asked me , ” Pastor , how would you describe 2014 ? ” , my instinctive response was , ” I have been a christian for 50 years and I have been a pastor for 20 years , 2014 was the most exciting and eventful year.” I was surprised by my own answer . But as we talked I realized that it is true. 2014 was a year of walking into the unknown. Living in Sendai was new to us . We hardly have any friends in this city where we make our new home but throughout the one year we were able to connect with many people in Sendai and now we have a small church in the heart of the city. We have learned many precious and practical lessons about how to start a new church in Japan even as we are still learning Japanese. Throughout the year it was step by step depending on God to open doors as we prayed and was faithful to execute the plans.

Now I stand at the beginning of 2015 and looking forward to another year of unknown…but exciting year ahead as we build the body of Christ in FCBC Sendai.

We are going to start a gospel Choir in March…this will be fun..back to good old days when I was a choir director. No …I am not training the choir , we have John Lucas , an excellent gospel choir director to teach us.

We are going to start Kids Brown ( teaching English to Japanese kids ) in Feb , another way to connect with families living around the church .

We only have a single youth among us but 2015 will be a year of reaching young people . Exciting to see how God will lead us.

In Kesennuma , we will continue to regularly serve the survivors of the Tsunami living in the temporary housing units (THU) . But in 2015 , some of them will move to permanent homes and this will present new opportunities of serving them.

KFBBC will move into their new church building in March. Please pray that new people from the THU will start coming to the church.

So glad that at the start of the new year our children Clarence and Caroline were able to visit us and get involved with our ministry in Sendai and Kesennuma. They have been hearing and reading about the reports of our work but nothing like coming to meet the people and experience it for themselves. Clarence was able to preach at the church service too.
You can visit and look for Fcbcsendai .

Good news ! Christina and I will be back home in Singapore for a short break during the Chinese New Year.
Hope to catch up with some of you .

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